How Meru Health helps you
Get continuous therapist support
Talk with your dedicated therapist via scheduled video calls and unlimited chat messages at any time during the 12-week program. Mental health doesn’t wait for the calendar—neither should your mental health care.
Feel better, faster
Overcome mental health challenges and build lifetime skills and habits for better mental health in just 12 weeks. You’ll only need 15 minutes a day to start feeling better, faster.
Clinically proven to be effective
Our results speak for themselves: 85% of Meru Health completers see improvement, and 75% of completers are no longer clinically anxious or depressed.
Enhance sleep, nutrition, and your overall experience of daily living.
Assess your current situation, needs, and goals, and understand the next steps in your journey.
Get started with the life-changing Meru Health program, with simple lessons and activities, and continuous therapist support.
You don't have to wait to feel better
Download Meru Health app today to connect with a therapist and get started.
Your initial visit carries your standard cost share for a virtual visit. After that, Moda Health pays 100% of the cost of the program.
- Once you download the app, use the access code MODAMP to get started.
“The experience was a blessing! The program helped me to dig deeper and recognize the core issues that were causing my anxiety and depression, allowing me to learn to use my own strength to overcome the challenges I face, no matter how big or small.”
Meru Health participant
Frequently Asked Questions
How does Meru Health's program differ from individual therapy?
Meru Health is a clinically proven treatment for depression, burnout, and anxiety.
Our 12-week program is built around a continuous-care model and includes a licensed therapist, psychiatrist, anonymous peer support, a biofeedback device, and evidence-based digital program for sleep, nutrition, and more. Over the course of 12 weeks, you will learn and practice skills for long-term mental wellbeing, all with the daily support of a dedicated therapist.
How much time do I need for the program on a daily basis?
Our program is very flexible. Usually you only need around 15 minutes to complete your daily practices. You can work through the program at your own pace – anytime, anywhere from your smartphone.
During the program, you can schedule up to four video sessions with your dedicated therapist and get unlimited in-app chat support and guidance from them.
How much does the program cost to me as a Moda Health member?
Your initial visit carries your standard cost share for a virtual visit.
After that, Moda Health pays 100% of the cost of the program. Which means you’ll get continuous and personalized care from your dedicated therapist and a full access to our program free of charge.